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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 27, Issue 4, pp. 917-1220

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Fast Gossiping by Short Messages

Jean-Claude Bermond, Luisa Gargano, Adele A. Rescigno, and Ugo Vaccaro

pp. 917-941

Approximation Algorithms for the Feedback Vertex Set Problem with Applications to Constraint Satisfaction and Bayesian Inference

Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Dan Geiger, Joseph (Seffi) Naor, and Ron M. Roth

pp. 942-959

Planar Integer Linear Programming is NC Equivalent to Euclidean GCD

D. F. Shallcross, V. Y. Pan, and Y. Lin-Kriz

pp. 960-971

All Highest Scoring Paths in Weighted Grid Graphs and Their Application to Finding All Approximate Repeats in Strings

Jeanette P. Schmidt

pp. 972-992

Bounding the Power of Preemption in Randomized Scheduling

Ran Canetti and Sandy Irani

pp. 993-1015

Surface Approximation and Geometric Partitions

Pankaj K. Agarwal and Subhash Suri

pp. 1016-1035

Randomized Data Structures for the Dynamic Closest-Pair Problem

Mordecai Golin, Rajeev Raman, Christian Schwarz, and Michiel Smid

pp. 1036-1072

Separating Exponentially Ambiguous Finite Automata from Polynomially Ambiguous Finite Automata

Hing Leung

pp. 1073-1082

An $\Omega(\sqrt{\,\log\log n}\,)$ Lower Bound for Routing in Optical Networks

Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum, and Philip D. MacKenzie

pp. 1083-1098

Computing Matrix Eigenvalues and Polynomial Zeros Where the Output is Real

Dario Bini and Victor Y. Pan

pp. 1099-1115

Computational Complexity and Knowledge Complexity

Oded Goldreich, Rafail Ostrovsky, and Erez Petrank

pp. 1116-1141

The Complexity of Planar Counting Problems

Harry B. Hunt, III, Madhav V. Marathe, Venkatesh Radhakrishnan, and Richard E. Stearns

pp. 1142-1167

Guaranteeing Fair Service to Persistent Dependent Tasks

Amotz Bar-Noy, Alain Mayer, Baruch Schieber, and Madhu Sudan

pp. 1168-1189

Time--Space Lower Bounds for Directed st-Connectivity on Graph Automata Models

Greg Barnes and Jeff A. Edmonds

pp. 1190-1202

A Chernoff Bound for Random Walks on Expander Graphs

David Gillman

pp. 1203-1220